HAR1F RF00635 rna secondary structure

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Ppgardne, HAR1F RF00635 rna secondary structure, CC BY-SA 3.0

Program Download

zoomITS (Linux/ Unix OS only) size: approx. 1.3MB
Updated on Dec.27.2019

zoomITS subdivides two types of structures (stem and loop) in ITS2 database into various secondary structures (hairpin loop, bulge, symmetric internal loop, asymmetric internal loop, transition loop, and stem), which enables researchers to interpret sequences with higher resolution. It also converts sequence and structure information into 81 symbols. The program provides a flexible means to identify hCBC/ CBC (Compensatory Base Change) in taxonomic groups whose secondary structures are difficult to predict. Additionally, the program identifies species specific nucleotide (SSN) along with information of various secondary structure, helix indication (I-IV), and pairing mutation in stem structure.

Background: Nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region is one of the most widely used for molecular markers in plant and fungi. Although a number of recent studies reported the intra-genomic variations of ITS sequence, a new approach- compensatory base change (CBC) of ITS2 sequence has gained popularity for species delimitation. However, species identification based on CBC requires accurate secondary structure prediction, which presents challenges for taxonomic groups whose secondary structures are difficult to predict.
Results:In addition to the general usages of the program (such as conversion to 81 symbols and subdivision of two categories of secondary structures into 6 categories), zoomITS provides a flexible means to study (h)CBCs even for difficult taxa whose stem alignments are not perfectly identical. It provides lists of potential (h)CBCs within species as well as species unique (h)CBCs, which enables researchers to assess the intra and inter variations of the CBCs and SSNs within species as well as among species. The program provides a useful means to study ITS and has a wide range of applications

How to use the program

1. Install Java and Apache Commons IO library
Download and install Java >= 1.8.link
Download Apache Commons IO library. link
Download Apache Commons Math library. link
Update the PATH Variable. link

2. Run zoomITS on command line
from the main folder, type "cd subdivideLoop"
e.g.: type "java subdivideLoop_code /home/user_name/zoomITS/subdivideLoop/test/foursale_input/Amelanchier/ /home/user_name/zoomITS/subdivideLoop/test/foursale_output/Amelanchier/"
usage: user needs to provide two arguments delimited by space- paths to foursale input folder and output folder.
java subdivideLoop_code foursale_input/genus_folder foursale_output/genus_folder
genus_folder should contain species files. Please look at the test files under the folder, test

from the main folder, type "cd SpeciesUniqueNucl"
e.g.: type "java SpeciesUniqueNucl_code /home/user_name/zoomITS/SpeciesUniqueNucl/test/input/Amelanchier"
usage: user needs to provide one argument- a path to foursale output file.
java subdivideLoop_code foursale_output file
While foursale_output folder in subdivideLoop contains the individual species foursale output files, foursale_output file in SpeciesUniqueNucl contains all the squences of the species in one file.
All the sequences of the individual species files in foursale_input folder in subdivideLoop are included in one file. Then, the one file is submitted to the foursale program, and foursale_output file is the output from the foursale program.
Please look at the test file under the folder, test

from the main folder, type "cd SpeciesUniqueNucl"
e.g.: type "java structureUniqNucl_code /home/user_name/zoomITS/SpeciesUniqueNucl/test/uniq_base_new/Amelanchier /home/user_name/zoomITS/subdivideLoop/test/output_new_sym_by_type/Amelanchier /home/user_name/zoomITS/SpeciesUniqueNucl/test/input/Amelanchier"
usage:user needs to provide three arguments delimited by space- a path to output file from SpeciesUniqueNucl_code, a path to output_new_sym_by_type output from subdivideLoop_code, and a path to input file to the SpeciesUniqueNucl_code.
java subdivideLoop_code output (from the SpeciesUniqueNucl_code) output_new_sym_by_type output (from the subdivideLoop_code) input (to the SpeciesUniqueNucl_code). Please look at the test files under the folder, test

Cite zoomITS

If you use the program, please cite this website in your publication.

Authors: Jee Eun Kang, Wook Jin Kim, Ji-Min Cha, Inkyu Park, Sungyu Yang, Byeong Cheol Moon, and Goya Choi.
A reference article is in the preparation for journal submission. Once the reference article is published, we will update the website shortly.